常見問題 FAQ
  • CoolPro®是甚麼?
    What is CoolPro®?
  • CoolPro®為Casablanca嶄新研發之涼感技術面料,嶄新將COOLMAX®涼感乾爽功能與天絲TENCEL™柔滑面料結合,並擁有以下3大卓越優點—

    • 瞬間涼感

    • 排濕快乾

    • 柔滑天絲

    Introducing the newly developed Cooling Tech-fabric by Casablanca: CoolPro®, it combines quick drying and cooling function of COOLMAX® with the soft and silky TENCEL™ fabric, offering the 3 major superior benefits -

    • Instant Cooling
       It is confirmed that the fabric gives instant cool feeling when touched while also regulates skin
       temperature according to the national test report.

    • Moisture perspiration
       The superior moisture management of COOLMAX® in CoolPro®, effectively keeps excess moisture
       away for better breathability during sleep.

    • TENCEL™ Sensation
       Using TENCEL™ from Lenzing in Austria, the regenerated cellulose fibre originated from wood pulp
       gives silky smooth touch with up to 1,000 threads on both sides.
  • CoolPro®的瞬間涼感功能是否已經實測認證?
    Has the Instant Cooling factor of CoolPro® been certified?
  • 經國家「瞬間涼感測試」報告顯示,測試產品的結果按照標準數值大於0.2便屬具有明顯瞬間涼感功能,而Casablanca驅蚊涼感被的測試結果為0.25,證實經接觸後具有超卓瞬間涼感功效。

    According to the test report of “Instant Cooling Test” by national standard, product can be claimed with distinct instant cooling effect if the result is greater than the value 0.2. The test value of Casablanca Mosquito Repellent CoolPro® Quilt is 0.25 which proves its excellent instant cool feeling when in contact with skin.
  • 驅蚊功能的原理是甚麼?
    What is the principle of Mosquito Repellent function in this product?
  • Casablanca驅蚊涼感被的驅蚊功能,是採用來自英國研製的HHL Technology Vital Protection驅蚊技術配方,能於被子外30cm範圍全面驅趕蚊子、塵蟎、蠓蟲、臭蟲、沙蠅及跳蚤6大昆蟲,有效令蚊蟲的神經系統偵測到威脅而迴避靠近,對預防蚊蟲吸血和叮咬的比率高達90%.*

    Forthputting advance formula of the exclusive Formula - HHL Technology Vital Protection from UK, the Mosquito Repellent function of Casablanca Mosquito Repellent CoolPro® Quilt, has been proven as highly effective and comprehensive insect repellent treatment on mosquito, midges, bugs, sandflies, flea and mite within 30cm outside. The technology enables the nervous system of mosquito and other insects to detect a threat, resulting in repellence to approach the treated bedding products, and preventing human bodies from mosquito bites and blood sucking up to 90%.*
    * The mosquito repellency will be slightly reduced according to increasing number of washes.
  • 產品的驅蚊功能是否已獲得認證?對嬰兒及懷孕人士安全嗎?
    Has the Mosquito Repellent function of the product been certified?
    Is it safe for babies and pregnant women?
  • Casablanca驅蚊涼感被的驅蚊技術已獲得瑞士OEKO-TEX®無害檢驗認證,並通過芬蘭FinnREACH皮膚致敏性測試、德國Hohenstein驅蚊測試、英國 i2L Research 驅蚊測試及中國疾控中心等多個國際檢測認可,對嬰兒、兒童、成人以至孕婦均安全可靠**!

    The Mosquito Repellent formula in Casablanca Mosquito Repellent CoolPro® Quilt has been certified by International Test Authorities worldwide including OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 from Switzerland, FinnREACH skin allergy testing from Finland, Mosquito repellency from Hohenstein Institute in Germany, i2L Research in UK and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China. It is safe for babies, children, adults and even pregnant women**.
    ** For safety, please avoid contact with pets.

    Certified by International Testing Authorities

  • 驅蚊功能會經洗滌便失去功效嗎?
    Will the Mosquito Repellent function lose its effectiveness after wash by wash?
  • 基於衛生考慮,建議任何床上用品使用期不應多於兩年。如一個家庭以每兩星期清洗一次產品為例,產品一年內共洗24次。而經中國疾病預防控制中心檢測,產品的驅蚊效能經清洗20次後仍屬A級,效果卓越。

    Based on hygiene considerations, it is recommended that any bedding product should not be used more than two years of time. Taking example a household washes the product once in every two weeks, then it will be washed 24 times within a year. According to Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it has proven to remain A level performance after 20 times of wash, thoroughly demonstrate its outstanding performance.

  • 天絲面料比其它面料有甚麼優勝之處?
    What are the advantages of TENCEL™ over other fabrics?
  • 來自奧地利蘭精公司的TENCEL™,取材自天然木源的環保纖維,手感比其它纖維一觸難忘,且擁有自然光澤與非凡透氣性等優點—

    1) 植物萃取

    2) 親膚柔滑

    3) 色彩鮮明

    4) 自然光澤

    5) 持久柔軟

    6) 增強透氣

    7) 抗靜電性

    TENCEL™ from Lenzing in Austria is an environmentally friendly fibers from natural wood sources, that gives unforgettable softness
    with natural luster and extraordinary breathability than other fibers.

    1) Botanic Origin
        The regenerated cellulose fibre is derived from the sustainable natural wood pulp. It is produced
        with low ecological impact and is biodegradable.

    2) Gentle on Skin
        TENCE™ fibers are naturally soft to touch and ensure long-lasting comfort especially for sensitive

    3) Color Vibrancy
        Retain long-lasting color vibrancy more than conventionally dyed fibers, and is less prone to fade
        even after repeated washing.

    4) Sheen
        Exhibits a sleek surface and gives textiles a luxurious sheen.

    5) Long-lasting Softness
        Offers the long-lasting quality of exquisite softness even after repeated washing, and is twice as
        soft as Cotton.

    6) Enhanced Breathability
        The cellulosic fibers are structured to regulate the absorption and release of moisture, contributes
        its enhanced breathability for a refreshing sleep.

    7) Minimal Static Charge
        The ability to absorb moisture makes TENCEL™ tension-free with no electrostatic charging.
  • 如何清洗保養驅蚊涼感被?
    How to clean and wash the product?
  • 1) 請留意並遵守洗水標籤上的洗滌指示,不正確處理或會對產品造成不可逆轉的破壞。
      • 首次洗滌請與其他衣物分開
      • 水洗,最高水溫30度
      • 不可漂白
      • 懸掛晾乾
      • 熨斗底板最高溫度110度
      • 不可乾洗
    2) 防止在太陽下長時間暴曬
    3) 請勿長時間浸泡產品,防止影響織物纖維和顏色
    4) 請避免使用可能導致產品發生刺激化學反應的洗衣消毒劑,以免影響甚至破壞產品織物。

    1) Please always follow the instructions on the washing label. Irreversible damage will be caused to
         product due to improper handling or treatment.
      • Wash separately from other clothes
      • Wash with maximum temperature 30 °C
      • Do not bleach
      • Line drying
      • Iron at maximum sole plate temperature of 110°C, steam
         ironing may cause irreversible damage
      • Do not dry cleaning
    2) Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight
    3) Do not soak product for long period of time to prevent damage to the fabric fibers and color.
    4) Please avoid using laundry sanitizers that may cause chemical reaction to product.
  • 驅蚊涼感被需要再額外使用被袋嗎?可直接機洗嗎?
    Does the Mosquito Repellent CoolPro® Quilt require an extra quilt cover?
    Is it machine washable?
  • 為體驗產品全面驅蚊及涼感最佳效能,Casablanca驅蚊涼感被可直接使用,無需再額外套上被袋,亦不建議在產品上再蓋上其它被子或毛毯;而且可放入洗衣機直接清洗,方便日常打理使用並保持整潔。

    In order to experience the best performance of mosquito repellent and cooling factor, we suggest using the Casablanca Mosquito Repellent CoolPro® Quilt directly without any quilt cover. It is also recommended that not to cover other quilts or blankets on the product. Besides, it can be washed in washing machine for daily care.
  • 驅蚊涼感被有尺寸可選擇嗎?
    What sizes are available in Mosquito Repellent CoolPro® Quilt?
  • A款粉紅擁有單人(60"x89")、雙人(70"x89")、加大(80"x89")及特大(97"x89")共4個尺寸;而B款藍色則擁有單人(60"X89")、雙人(70"x89")及加大(80"x89")共3個尺寸。

    Single(60"x89"), Double(70"x89"), Queen(80"x89") and King size(97"x89") are available in Option A (Pink color); while Single(60"x89"), Double(70"x89") and Queen(80"x89") size are available in Option B (Blue color).
  • 產品會脫色嗎?
    Will the colors on product fade?
  • 產品均經測試中心認證,色牢度高。只要按洗水標籤指示洗滌保養即可。

    The product is certified by the testing center and proven to have high color fastness. Please always follow the instructions on washing label for washing and cleaning.
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